Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Left Behind Liberals

For liberal Christians, things are really tough these days, up and down. They have to figure how to avoid being left behind not only when Jesus meets the elect in the air, but also when “W” re-does American society on the ground. The first prospect still can be brushed off with a closer reading of St. Paul. But not even a trashing of Alan Greenspan will make the second go away. 

The fact of the matter is that liberal Christians have been getting pretty much what they deserve of late in secular elections, and the outcome of the one Election that really counts may still be in doubt for them as well. As always, the qualifier “may” is important. For none of us should presume to think God’s thoughts for --- Him? him? Her? her? the Divine? the Transcendent? It? Now you begin to get the idea: one of our problems in the church today is that some liberal Christians can’t even complete a sentence as simple as this one.
A second problem is that other liberal Christians are altogether sure about language like this, but also terribly misguided about how being narrowly truthful in what we say is only rarely being broadly helpful. Alternating masculine and feminine pronouns when we refer to God? Praying to Sophia instead of to a Heavenly Father? “God Godself is with us…” Please say you are kidding when you talk like this --- please. Alas, we know you aren’t.

One of the reasons that liberal Christians can’t get to first base these days is that the way they swing their words makes striking out inevitable. Another is that they want to play the game at all only by their own rules. Home plate for liberal Christianity has always been what we can know on solid historical grounds about the life, faith, and ministry of Jesus and his early followers. But liberal theologians keep shifting the plate around, indiscriminately. Time-honored methods for discovering facts about the first century all too often get twisted in the support of ideologies that reputable historical research simply does not support.

A case in point is the recent strange turn of Mariology, in the direction of the Magdalene and away from the virgin. An affair between the former and Jesus, they say? Marriage, and even children? This Mary as the God-designated leader of the church? Her authority stolen by power-hungry male disciples? Women driven underground in the church all the way back to Paul’s time? Fiction writers like Dan Brown (The DaVinci Code) are not the only ones making this stuff up. So are liberal “scholars,” whose books are selling like Starbucks coffee to … can you guess?

From the standpoint of real rather than media-driven scholarship, what lies behind these otherwise bizarre aberrations is a sequence of not-all-that-far-out conjecturing, a process of inference that is always worth respecting and encouraging, even if its results must be rejected whenever the evidence requires it. The radically-liberal school of Christian thought just described is anchored in hypotheses about which witnesses to Jesus and first-century Christianity are the earliest, and therefore the most important. (“Earliest is best” is a cardinal premise of all recent liberal theology.)

According to scholars aligned with this self-designated “Re-Imaging” wing of thought in the church, the anti-Gospels accounts of Jesus and his ministry come from sources that pre-date the Gospels themselves. Therefore, the argument goes, they deserve the first consideration in shaping the Christian story for today’s world. The problem is that hardly anybody else --- conservative or liberal ---agrees with this construction of the sources for our knowledge about early Christianity.

Basically, the most reliable sources for understanding our faith are still the books of the New Testament themselves. Yes, they are maddeningly incomplete, as a whole. And yes, we can get along without The Book of Revelation, if we have to. Jude doesn’t help all that much, either, and James may leave us with more problems that it solves. But what we most certainly do not need thrown into the mix is The Gospel of Thomas, or of Mary Magdalene, or the host of other fourth-century documents discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt and now promoted with great fanfare.

Maybe it is because of earlier and more invidious “Red scares” in this country that mainstream liberals have for all practical purposes taken themselves out of the red zones that count right now. Shouting until you are blue in the face, rather than red, is much more acceptable. How ironic. For recovering the vital center of liberal theology, and making it an equal partner with conservative interpretations of the Christian faith, is one of the things most needed today if the church is to present a truly full-bodied, red-blooded witness to the gospel in all its fullness.